We are very glad to announce our second AI Safety Gathering which will take place on Tuesday, June 27th from 16 to 18 in the Senate Room of the Academy Building! We will continue with the theme "An Eye on AI Regulations", and we will discuss possible implications of the new EU AI Act, alongside other governance tools to mitigate AI risk. Places are limited, so if you're sure you'd want to join please fill out this form and we will try our best to accommodate everyone.
For those who are already registered, you can find resources to foster discussion during the Gathering here. We created a chat to coordinate Gatherings participants which can be joined here. See you next week! 🚀
More information on our AI Safety Gatherings:
AI Safety Gatherings are thematic meetings hosted biweekly at the House of Connections (or other University buildings) and aimed at fostering discussion on safety-critical topics such as AI interpretability, alignment, and fairness across the AISIG community.
In our vision, the Gatherings will be the perfect place for students and researchers to meet, learn and discuss informally the latest development in the field of AI safety. In particular, they will be a great opportunity for newcomers to gain a deeper understanding of these topics and connect with experienced local researchers for upskilling, and research projects in the field.
Importantly, we will aim to strike the right balance between the rigor of academic discussion and the enjoyability of informal peer exchanges, making the Gatherings engaging while maximizing their usefulness for all attendees.
Our goal is for Gatherings to be tailored to participants, with great flexibility regarding the topics that will be discussed in depth, and a dedicated time to cover salient news from the AI safety world. For this reason, we will look for highly motivated participants able to engage with the content and willing to take an active part in the Gatherings.